Retro Spring


Sunday, May 29, 2011

home study, etc.

Today was home study day!  I will admit that when I woke up this morning I was bit a lot nervous!  Then today's sermon was about giving all your Faith to God and letting Him carry you through whatever is going on in life.  (I'm paraphrasing badly, but you get it.) So I gave it up.  All of it.  The home study.  Adoption. Finances. Pregnancy.  Babies.  ALL OF IT.  I gave it all up.  I realize this is something I will have to do, probably every day, but it's worth it.  My shoulders haven't hovered around my ears at all today. 

Ultimately it was the reminder I needed that our God is powerful to provide.  And He will! Our time with Ashley went so well and we are blessed to have a social worker who is also a Christian and understands us and what we are being called to do.  My hope is to have the study back in a couple of weeks so we can move on to our state department application.


In other news....I'm afraid I may have ignorantly offended some people recently. Please accept my apologies for my insenstivity.  People come to parenthood in so many ways at so many different times in life.  I am blessed beyond belief to have an amazing husband, job and home, but not all women find themselves in my situation.  Ultimately my heart feels that there is no right or wrong way to become a parent, as long as you do it with all of your heart, soul, and with good intentions.  And if you can't do it that way then please consider adoption.  There are many people who won't ever have the gift of biological children but would be amazing parents.

However, the debate begs the question...if you, as a parent of biological children had a social worker walk into your house right now, would you pass a home study?  Are there smoke detectors in all of your bedrooms and hall ways?  Do you have a fire extinguisher? Is there a lock on your gate?  Do you have a budget, marriage license, birth certificates, life insurance statements, DPS back ground checks at your easy disposal?  Amazing isn't it all the hoops we must go through?!?!?!?  And that's a very abbreviated list!  I would love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Um...let's see:
    1) No to a smoke detector in every room and hallway but we do have one on each floor.
    2) Yes to a fire extinguisher.
    3) No lock on gate.
    4) YES to budget (hehe!), marriage license, birth certificates (and social security cards for that matter), life insurance statements (how far back do you want to go?) and, amazingly, yes to background check (SSBI).
    I guess this means we don't pass, right?!

  2. Big FAIL C! But that's ok, I promise our house won't stay this way for long. We are much more of a teaching boundaries kind of parents than padding the corners type. :) Besides, aren't there so many more important things to parenting besides these nit-picky things?
